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By: Hayden Jackson on January 16th, 2020

How to Enhance the Uberflip Content Experience Using Tags

Putting time and effort into choosing the right tags can take your Uberflip content experience from good to great.

Back when I was in elementary school, recess was a time for endless games of tag. Many years later, this turned out to be the perfect training for content marketing, where the simple act of tagging something can dramatically change the rules of engagement.

When we began planning DemandLab’s Uberflip resource hub, we knew that tagging—the process of adding labels to content items to make them easier to organize and find—would be one of the most important parts of the process. While Uberflip is uniquely designed to deliver personalized content experiences, it doesn’t happen magically. Marketers need to put time and thought into designing the experience they want to create, and tagging is one of the key drivers of that experience.

Most marketers have at least some familiarity with content tagging: a recent Kapost benchmarking study (gated) found that only 15% of marketers didn’t use tags at all. The majority of marketers tagged content by persona, buying stage, and product line (59%, 54%, and 52%, respectively). But there are many other useful ways to tag content, and to make the most of Uberflip, you’ll want to put some extra thought into your tagging strategy.

Why Uberflip tagging is so important

There are a few reasons why tagging is especially important in Uberflip:

Enhance content ROI.

There is a direct relationship between tagging and content visibility: Uberflip hubs with the highest percentage of tagged items get more views per item. When content is viewed more frequently, it’s more likely to generate value by engaging and converting hub visitors.

Automate the workflow.

Tagging content enables you to use Smart Filters to automate tasks such as filling different streams (collections of thematically linked content) with the appropriate content items. By using tags and filters to organize content rather than manual processes, you can save time, reduce the risk of error, and ensure that your content publication processes are ready to scale.

Empower your salespeople.

If you use sales streams, you want to ensure your salespeople can create streams that align with a specific buyer stage, product, industry, role, and more. Tagging content makes it easy for them to find exactly what they need to make an authentic connection with leads and accelerate high-value opportunities.

How to select and use Uberflip tags

When thinking about how to tag your content, keep in mind that the tags you choose need to help you achieve two main goals: 1) deliver personalized content experiences and 2) help sales find the content they need.

Tags that deliver personalized content experiences

One of Uberflip’s best features is its ability to let marketers create content streams that align with the needs of a specific audience segment. Tags enable you to label each content item based on the segments that it aligns with and use Smart Filters to automatically add that content item to the relevant streams.

Examples of these types of tags include:

Persona: Identify the organizational role or buyer persona that each content item will appeal to.

Topic: Organize content into different top-of-funnel (TOFU) topics that your site visitors may wish to explore in-depth.

Content type: Label content according to type, such as eBooks or podcasts. (While many site visitors will be format-agnostic, some may wish to browse specific content types.)

Solution: Identify the middle- and bottom-of-funnel (MOFU and BOFU) content that aligns with specific solutions or service offerings.

Industry: Identify the specific industries or verticals that your content is relevant to (and maybe company size, too).

Region: Segment content for solutions and services that are only available in or relevant to some regions as well as content that covers region-specific trends and news.

Language: If you sell to buyers who speak various languages, you’ll want to identify the language various content items were produced in.

There are many other ways to use tags to create a more tailored experience for site visitors. For example, we applied a “news” tag so that we could manage news items differently from evergreen or thought leadership content. We also added a “careers” tag to any content item that showcases DemandLab’s culture and people so that we can create a marketing stream aimed at recruitment in the near future.

A signpost includes directions to “This Way,” “That Way,” and “The Other Way,” symbolizing the confusion that can happen when content isn’t tagged.

Without tags to trigger Smart Filtering, your content won’t end up in the right places.​

Tags that help sales find the content they need

Uberflip sales streams are an incredible resource for sales enablement, but only if salespeople can find what they need easily and intuitively. Adding the right tags can simplify the process and support your sales teams in creating highly targeted, relevant content experiences for their prospects.

Many of the tag categories you develop to create marketing streams—including persona, industry, region, and solution tags— will also be useful to salespeople, but you will also want to create additional tags that support and empower sales:

Journey stage: By applying TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU tags to content items, you can help salespeople find content that aligns with the needs of their prospects at a specific point in their buyer journey.

Challenge: Use tags to group content into challenges or pain points that your solutions address so that salespeople can assemble content (such as case studies and use cases) that align with the prospect’s priorities.

Objection: If you have content that addresses common objections that prospects often bring up during the buyer journey, tag it so that salespeople can quickly find the content that will help to overcome the specific objection a prospect has voiced during sales conversations.

Company size: In addition to industry tags, you may want to tag content that aligns to the needs and priorities of companies of different sizes, such as SMB and enterprise.

Competitor: If you produce case studies, reports, or competitor matrixes that clarify the advantages of your solutions over those of specific competitors, it’s worth tagging those pieces with the competitor name so that sales can find content that helps prospects evaluate their options.

Account: If you support ABM, you may want to tag content that supports the interests and priorities of specific accounts.

A red suitcase with a “lost luggage” label sits in front of a luggage carousel, symbolizing the importance of tagging content so that it doesn’t end up lost.
When you apply the right tags, content always shows up in the right place at the right time.

Tips and best practices for Uberflip tagging

Take your time.

Tagging may seem like a small part of the process, but it plays a big role in the experience you deliver, so take the time to get it right. Think about what you want the content experience to look like so that you can develop a consistent, intuitive tagging system that supports that vision.

Know your users.

When choosing tags, think about the different people who need to find your content. How many ways does your audience segment? How can you help them find the content that reflects their unique needs and accelerates their journey? Dig deep into your customer personas to see how they think. And how can you help your sales team use content to build relationships and close the sale? Sit down and talk with them to understand how they sell and how content can support that sales process.

Write it down.

Tagging can veer off the rails quickly if everyone doesn’t follow the rules, so write those rules down somewhere and make sure people follow them. We developed an internal guide that outlines the steps for publishing different types of content on DemandLab’s resource hub, with instructions for applying the right tags to each type. We also maintain a master document that lists all of our tags and the purpose each one serves. (For example, some tags trigger a Smart Filter, while others exist to help sales find certain types of content.)

Do a spot check.

A few weeks or months after launching your resource hub, take a look at how your tagging system is working:

  • Are items being tagged correctly by your team?
  • Are tags triggering Smart Filters correctly?
  • Are salespeople creating sales streams?
  • Do salespeople report that they’re finding content easily?
  • Are there additional tags that could enhance the experience further?

Create a better content experience

Tagging is one of the most effective ways for marketers to deliver a frictionless and rewarding content experience on Uberflip. While selecting, implementing, and managing tags takes time and thought, the positive impact makes the effort well worth it. Learn more about how DemandLab helps companies implement and use Uberflip to deliver content experiences that generate results.