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By: DemandLab on October 1st, 2019

Digital Transformation Enables Chemical Company to Nurture and Engage

A review of this Fortune 500 company’s sales and marketing processes uncovered 60 improvement areas.



A Fortune 500 chemical company was struggling with static revenues across multiple business units and needed to shift its market position to protect and improve shareholder value. Perceived by their customers as a commodity provider, they needed to redefine themselves as a value-generating partner capable of achieving higher margins for premium products and services.

In order to effect this shift, they needed to undertake a digital transformation that enabled them to nurture and engage their customers more effectively.


DemandLab undertook an extensive discovery of the company’s sales and marketing processes by:

  • Holding a series of focus groups with various business lines, the IT team, Salesforce key and power users, and the digital marketing team.
  • Conducting one-on-one and group interviews with the central marketing team and key stakeholders from each of the business units.
  • Performing a deep-dive audit of the company’s Marketo and Salesforce platforms.


Using the qualitative and quantitative input collected during the focus groups, interviews, and system audits, DemandLab produced an in-depth report delivering more than 60 recommendations that covered foundational infrastructure considerations, including channel management, lead and inquiry management, lifecycle process, CRM prerequisites, new team selling approaches, and collaboration initiatives that would help the company execute on the goal.

By leading a thorough discovery, synthesizing the insights, and helping to bring executive decision-makers on board, DemandLab helped to put this company on the right path towards digital transformation.